WCYC Youth Rally, April 26 - 28, 2024

Theme: Glow in the Dark

Starts: Friday, April 26, 7:00 pm
Ends: Sunday, April 28, 11:30 am
Location: WCYC campground, south of Black River Falls
Age: 7th-12th grade
Cost: $25

It’s going to be a time reconnecting with old camp friends, and making new ones. Come prepared to laugh, learn, and worship God in His amazing creation. Can’t wait to see you there and don’t forget to bring a friend!

RSVP: Kayde.johnson@wcyc.org with teen’s name, age, gender, and food allergies. You will receive back the “youth rally form”. To be admitted, each camper will need to bring a completed copy of that form.

We’ll be staying in the cabins. So, bring all the necessary gear. (See below for a recommended packing list.) We’ll have daily devotionals, games, possibly creek time.

And, remember: These spring months can be very chilly at camp. Please, check the weather forecast, and pack accordingly

Recommended Packing List

  • Sleeping gear (blankets, sleeping bag, pillow) (every bunk bed will have a mattress)

  • Clothes appropriate for weather (may be chilly at night, may want to go creekin’)

  • Toiletries (don’t forget a towel… and maybe a second towel if you go creekin’)

  • Bible & note taking gear (note pad, pens, pencils)

  • Hangout stuff (games, sports gear, hammocks, guitars, books)